AHQA members enjoy a wide range of highly-valued member benefits, including:
- Ability to connect/learn with peers.
- Access to AHQA communications materials, regulatory updates, and policy alerts.
- Member rate to AHQA events.
- Opportunity to attend bi-monthly AHQA membership meeting.
- Ability to join AHQA exclusive member working groups that respond to CMS rules, planning committees, and other working groups as needed.
- Abstract submission fee waiver (valued at $100)
- Voting rights at annual membership meeting.
- Access to member-only website, which includes a membership directory and exclusive content.
- Access to our exclusive profession-specific network communities:
- Analytics Group: Call for analytic professionals that meets monthly to discuss various tasks, methods, and professional development; 2nd Wednesday of the month, 2:00 pm EDT.
- QII Wrokgroup (BFCC QIO representatives): A Bi-monthly group that meets do discuss issues relating to the BFCC network and staff; 3rd Thursday of every month, 2:00 pm EDT.
- CommNet (Communications Network): Monthly call for communications professionals in the QIN-QIO Community; 1st Wednesday of the month, 3:00 pm EDT.
- FishNet (Finance and Accounting professionals): Bi-monthly call for human resources and accounting professionals; 4th Thursday of every other month, 2:00 pm EDT.
- PLN (Physician Leadership Network): Quarterly call for physicians to meet and discuss the SOW and other issues relating to Quality Improvement; 3rd Wednesday of the month quarterly, 2:00 pm EDT
- Program Sharing Network: Monthly call with QIO Program Directors to discuss task specific and organizational issues; 3rd Tuesday of the month, 1:00 pm EDT
- Analytics Group: Call for analytic professionals that meets monthly to discuss various tasks, methods, and professional development; 2nd Wednesday of the month, 2:00 pm EDT.
All individual members and employees at organizational member organizations have access to all of the above member benefits.
Organizational members also receive the following benefits:
- Voting seat on AHQA board of directors.
- Ability to prioritize and guide AHQA’s legislative and strategic agendas.
- Opportunity to raise visibility of organization’s successes to CMS and other key stakeholders.
Bi-Monthly Membership Meeting
All AHQA members are invited to attend the bi-monthly (every other month) membership meeting. The membership call takes place on the fourth Wednesday of every other month at 2:00 p.m. EDT.
For more information about any of these calls or about joining AHQA, email our staff at info@ahqa.org.